Wind Open Day
21 Sep 2021
RWEA, together with Wind Europe and Renewable Energy School of Skills (RESS), the largest training centre for renewable energy in Southern Europe, have the great honour to invite you on 24 September 2021, to the already traditional event WIND OPEN DAY – Open Day at the Romanian Wind Farms, which RWEA organises every year. During the event, there will take place the inauguration of RenewAcad – The Counselling and Professional Reconversion Centre for Renewable Energy Sources, at RESS, in Constanța.
RenewAcad, a vocational training and education centre, will retrain miners and staff from the Romanian coal sector to become specialists in renewable energy and electricity distribution. In the first 5 years, more than 3,000 miners will benefit from the training.
The project has been welcomed by the European Commission’s Coal Regions in Transition Platform and is part of our efforts to identify the best solutions and ideas for Romania to become a winner of the energy transition and especially a beneficiary of equity in this process.
During the WIND OPEN DAY 4th edition, at the opening of RenewAcad and the visit of EGPR and Monsson wind farms, there were invited representatives of the ministries directly involved in the energy transition, together with representatives of the miners of Valea Jiului, students of SIER Youth and the PRESS. A unique moment in the programme will be the performance of a musical group from Valea Jiului, made up of miners from the Livezeni and Lonea mines, whose soloist was trained at the RESS centre.